Peruvian Frazada in Primavera

Sale price Price $200.00 Regular price

This stunning vintage frazada was handmade in the highlands of Cusco, Peru. Traditional frazadas like this one are dyed with natural plants and are woven, over the course of 1 month, on a backstrap loom. Two panels are woven and are then stitched together to form the frazada. All natural, made with sheep's and alpaca wool, they are thick and made to be warm in order to protect from the chill of the Andes.  Each one is unique and reflective of its maker/weaver. This one is extra special because of the lovely intricate patterns woven into the stripes. 

Measures approximately 66 inches x 69 inches 

As with all handmade vintage items, there are sometimes "imperfections". These are what make them special, beautiful and real. Truly one of a kind. 

    Care Instructions:

    • Drycleaning is recommended.
    • Overall, frazadas are hardy and need little care.